"Bridges" was created to try and bridge the gap between the Millennial generation of LGBTQ+ individuals and our predecessors who helped pave the way for us. We've asked the younger generations to send us questions that they would want to ask older LGBTQ+ individuals, then sought out those individuals to interview. Flexible Grey has devised a performance where the Millennial LGBTQ+ generation presents portions of these interviews in a monologue night that sheds lights on the untold stories from everyday members of our wonderful and diverse community.
In addition to the show, we hope to archive the stories, forming a script/anthology that can be accessible for all LGBTQ+ individuals, emerging generations and beyond. Join us at Resource Center, and lets reclaim our history as a foundation for a better future.
Tickets are $15 in advance online and information can be found by visiting our facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/FlexibleGrey/ or by emailing us at flexiblegrey@gmail.com. Tickets are also Pay-what-you-can at the door!
About Flexible Grey Theatre Company:Videos