The play originated as a short story that Rabe wrote for The New Yorker.
Undermain Theatre presents Whither Goest Thou America, its third series of readings of new American plays examining the American Landscape.
The centerpiece production will be the virtual solo performance of David Rabe's new play, Suffocation Theory, with Bruce DuBose. The play originated as a short story that Rabe wrote for The New Yorker. He is working remotely with Undermain Theatre in order to transition the story to a virtual, streaming film. Suffocation Theory will stream April 7 -25, 2021.
The Festival will also feature readings by local playwrights, Teresa Marrero and Blake Hackler, and New York based playwright, Lenora Champagne. Each week of the festival will present a new streaming reading, starting April 14 and running through May 2, 2021.
Past festivals have brought the work of local writers Jonathan Norton and Blake Hackler and other American Playwrights such as Adrienne Kennedy, Barbara Hammond, Gordon Dahlquist, and Len Jenkin.
All streaming. Tickets are on sale now at