In a fun Halloween-themed show, the Drawbacks Youth Tap Ensemble's ZOMBIE FOLLIES features roughly 40 young tappers playing ghosts, zombies and some of the younger performers even do a bit from Macbeth.
But the show won't be full of toil and trouble, it's going to be a spooky treat for audiences. With just two performances on Saturday, Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. and then again at 8, the Courtyard Theatre will be haunted with rhythm.
Since January 2008, DYTE has been committed to educating young dancers about the indigenous American art form of tap dance. Founders Keira Leverton and Katelyn Harris host performances, workshops, jams in order to share their love of tapping.
ZOMBIE FOLLIES features live music from Queen Ann's Lace and Ashley Boucher.
Visit DYTE's website for more details: