Based on the beloved story written by Louisa May Alcott, the adventures of the four March sisters is brought to vivid musical life in LITTLE WOMEN, THE MUSICAL. The Civil War is in full swing, and the March sisters -- Meg, the oldest, a romantic, the spirited and tomboyish Jo, sweet and loving Beth, and artistic, playful Amy -- live in Concord, Massachusetts with their Marmee while their father is on the battlefield. Filled with adventure (both lived and imagined), heartbreak, and a deep sense of hope, the struggle of these "Little Women" to find their own voices mirrors the growing pains of a young America. With buoyant, joyful melodies, memorable characters, and a big-hearted message, Little Women reminds us that "sometimes when you dream, your dreams come true." LITTLE WOMEN runs Thursdays through Sundays from April 19-May 6. .
"We intentionally selected this work for our 2018 Season to honor and thank all the women who so strongly impact our community." stated Derek Whitener, Artistic & Education Director.
Tickets are $25 (plus handling fee), with discounts available for Preview (only Thursday, April 19), Saturday matinees, Seniors and Students. More information can be found at
The Firehouse Theatre's mission is to provide a cross section of the finest traditional theatrical works that are suitable and affordable for all ages. We also provide educational enrichment programs and create opportunities for adults and children to develop talents in all aspects of theatre arts.