"CHINGLISH" is described as a sexy and romantic tale by Tony Winner David Henry Hwang that follows Daniel Cavanaugh, a Midwestern American businessman, looking to score a lucrative contact for his family's sign-making firm in a bustling Chinese province, only to find love instead.The play is performed in both English and Mandarin (with English subtitles). CHINGLISH will be presented by Black Lab Theatre in collaboration with Asia Society Texas Center after critically acclaimed productions on Broadway and at the Goodman Theatre Chicago.Vivian Chiu, an understudy for the broadway production and member of the recent international cast, will join up with the Houston production to play Vice Minister Xi Yan. Mike Yager, previously seen as Merv in Black Lab Theatre's OUR HOUSE, will play Daniel Cavanaugh. Full cast announcement in release.Show Dates:May 9-26, 2013 at Asia Society Texas Center1370 Southmore Blvd. Houston, Texas 77004Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7:30pm plus Sundays at 2pmTickets- $35 regular, $30 senior/student, and $25 Asia Society Texas Center membersTickets can be purchased from Asia Society Texas Center by phone or via http://asiasociety.org/texas. Box office number:713.496.9901