Performances begin on July 15th.
Theatre Arlington is set to open Black Comedy by Tony award-winning playwright, Peter Shaffer on July 15th.
This hilarious British farce provides the audience with a unique and slightly wacky theater experience. In South Kensington, London, struggling sculptor, Brindsley Miller and his debutante fiancée, Carol Melkett decide to throw a little party to impress Carol's pompous father and a wealthy art dealer. But to do so, they "borrow" some expensive furniture and art from Brindsley's next-door neighbor, Harold who just happens to be an antique dealer away for the weekend. What could happen, right? Well, how about a blown fuse throwing the flat into complete darkness? To make matters worse, several unexpected guests show up, including his mischievous ex-girlfriend and his neighbor from whom he "borrowed" the furnishings. Chaos and disaster quickly result as the quarreling guests stumble around in the dark not able to see each other, but the audience still can!
Theatre Arlington's production of Black Comedy is directed by Sharon Kaye Miller who last directed Ripcord at the theater in early 2020. The production stars Micah JL Brooks as Brindsley Miller, Alli Franken as Carol Melkett, Jakie Cabe as Colonel Melkett, Hannah Bell as Miss Furnival, Micah Green as Harold Gorringe, Jenna Anderson as Clea, Andrew Nicolas as Schuppanzigh and Kelley Garland as Georg Bamberger.
Equity Stage Manager, Maria Leon Hickox, heads up the production team which includes Victoria Esquibell (Assistant Stage Manager), Bryan Stevenson (Set and Lighting Designer), Ryan Simón (Sound Designer) and Robin Dotson (Properties Designer). Director Miller also serves as the production's Costume Designer.
Black Comedy opens on Friday, July 15th and runs through July 31st. A post-show reception for the audience will immediately follow the show and will include dessert provided by Cooper Street Bakery, the official bakery of Theatre Arlington.
Performances will continue through July 31st with the following schedule:
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30 pm
Sundays at 2:00 pm
For more information and to purchase tickets:
Box Office: 817.275.7661