The Luckenbooth Theatre announces auditions for the 3rd show in their season: Animal Farm!
In this new Academy stage adaptation of George Orwell's controversial novel, Director, Megan Hildebrand, will be looking for actors age 12 - 18. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script and everyone who auditions will be cast. Everyone auditioning needs to register online prior to March 26th. Our $300 production fee, an industry standard among top ranking children's theatres nationwide, covers all production materials for each actor, costumes, comp tickets for parents, a professional headshot session with our company photographer, cast party, and liability insurance. Financial assistance is available on a case by case basis. Luckenbooth will never deny anyone the opportunity to participate.
Auditions will take place in World Blend Coffee's Community Room (5410 Basswood Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas 76137) from 6:30pm to 9pm, including a parent meeting about the production during the last 30 minutes. The cast will rehearse MWF evenings beginning April 1st and continuing through May 3rd. The show will perform May 9 - 12 and 17 - 19, with an Industry Night Performance on May 9th and a Sensory Sensitive/Autism Friendly Matinee on May 18.
Luckenbooth will also fill various technical positions for the show with members of their Junior Repertory Company - an Academy first that will be implemented in all future shows this season. Currently included in the Company are Emily Kercheval, Emery Bass and Kamille Isom - all of whom were invited to join after their involvement with 2 productions as a recognition of their commitment and dedication to Luckenbooth and the Company's core values.
Any questions can be directed to, Artistic Director, Megan Hildebrand, at! Patrons can also find Luckenbooth on Facebook, Instagram and online at