Disney's The Little Mermaid tells the story of Ariel, a young mermaid princess who longs to be part of the human world to be with the prince of her dreams.
Artisan Children's Theater presents DISNEY'S THE LITTLE MERMAID JR. at its 150 seat Second Stage facility. The theater is located at 444 East Pipeline Road in Hurst.
The show runs March 11 through April 16, 2022. Performances will be Fridays at 6pm, Saturdays at 10am and 12pm, special Spring Break performances March 14th - 18th at 10am and 12pm, and Tuesdays, April 5th and 12th at 12pm.
Reserved seating tickets are $10.00 for children 12 and under and $15.00 for adults. The box office number is 817-284-1200. More information can be found on the website at ArtisanCT.com.
Disney's The Little Mermaid tells the story of Ariel, a young mermaid princess who longs to be part of the human world to be with the prince of her dreams. When she strikes a bargain with a sea witch, Ariel gets more than she bargained for.
Ariel - Cheyenne Grace & Ensley Carey
Prince Eric - Seth Redford & Mason Snyder
Sebastian - Benjamin Aitken & Eric Hilsinger
Flounder - Sarah Reed & Trinity McCallum
Scuttle - Alana Grace Medlin & Riley Hilsinger
Ursula - Mallory Gomez & Eva Magaña
King Triton - Andre Williams & Caleb Haney
Grimsby - Kate Bozeman & Autumn Snyder
Aquata - Sophie Gomez, Ashley Spyker & Miley Armstrong
Adrina - Gracie Davis & Payton Surles
Arista - Emma Chandler & Tabitha Harris
Allana - Maryn Haley & Avery Riek
Atina - Jenna Finn & Emory Tacker
Adella - Isabelle Hounsel & Aly Miller
Floatsam - Chloe Terry & Leticia Schenkel
Jetsam - Finley Warren & Olivia Redford
Chef Louis - Madison Blair & Sophia Gallego
Carlotta - Elise Coleman & Aly Miller
Pilot - Jack Parnell & Zachary Krause
Seahorse - Brynna Nuttall, William Nuttall, Amrynn Wood & Eisley Wood
Princess/Chef/Gull - Lillia Mack, Madison Jones, Brooklyn McKinsey, Payton Surles, Brooke Morrison, Emma Plunkett, Phoebe Brown, Emma Spyker, Emma Chandler, McKenna Maine, Emily Sams & Kara Jakubik
Sailor/Sea-Lagoon Creature - Liz Swaney, Fiona Collins, Caitlyn Haney, Adam Sams, Ethan Riggall, Addasyn Reddick, Layla Galloway, Junior Reddick, Greta Nordstrom, Allanna Reddick, Reagan Rickman, Jack Parnell, Zachary Krause, Caroline Huyck, Arianna Cummings, Sophia Huyck & Alice Rocha
Understudy - Riley Hilsinger (Ariel)
Understudy - Tabitha Harris (Ursula)
Who: Artisan Center Theater, Second Stage, 150 seat theater
What: DISNEY'S THE LITTLE MERMAID JR. presented by Artisan Children's Theater
When: March 11 - April 16, 2022
Where: 444 East Pipeline Road, Hurst, Texas 76053
Director: Jamie Gomez
Showtimes: Fridays at 6pm, Saturdays at 10am and 12pm, Spring Break performances March 14th - 18th at 10am and 12pm, and Tuesdays, April 5th and 12th at 12pm.
Tickets: Reserved seats: $10 for children 12 and under, $15 for adults.
Reservations: Call 817-284-1200; or order online at www.ArtisanCT.com