Amphibian Stage Productions will show a film of the National Theatre of London's production of The Hard Problem by Tom Stoppard on Wednesday May 20 at 2pm and 7pm in partnership with the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. This will be the fifth National Theatre Live showing of Amphibian's 2015 season.
Distributed internationally by BY Experience, National Theatre Live is an initiative to broadcast live performances from the National Theatre's stages to cinemas worldwide. In Fort Worth, the screenings are presented exclusively at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, courtesy of Amphibian Stage Productions. Fort Worth screenings of National Theatre Live began in the fall of 2011.
Hilary, a young psychology researcher at a brain science institute, is nursing a private sorrow and a troubling question at work, where psychology and biology meet. If there is nothing but matter, what is consciousness? This is 'the hard problem' which puts Hilary at odds with her colleagues who include her first mentor Spike, her boss Leo and the billionaire founder of the institute, Jerry. Is the day coming when the computer and the MRI scanner will answer all the questions psychology can ask? Meanwhile Hilary needs a miracle, and she is prepared to pray for one.
The Hard Problem will screen on Wednesday, June 3 at 2pm and 7pm at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Tickets to National Theatre Live screenings are $20 for adults, $17 for seniors, and $12 for students. Members of Amphibian Stage Productions and the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth receive an additional $5 discount.
To purchase tickets, theatergoers may call 817-923-3012, write to, or visit The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is located at 3200 Darnell Street, Fort Worth, TX 71607.