Amphibian Stage Productions (Kathleen Culebro, Artistic Director) has announced the cast for Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins by Eric Kimmel. Actors Stan Graner, Nathanael Clark, Kelsey Milbourn, Justin Duncan, Joshua Kumler, and Mitchell Stephens will star in the play running Friday, December 11 through Sunday, December 20 at the Berlene T. and Jarrell R. Milburn Theatre at Amphibian Stage Productions. This is Amphibian's inaugural holiday offering.
Scott Zenreich has adapted the story for the stage and will also direct. Mr. Zenreich is Artistic Associate at Amphibian Stage Productions, where he was assistant director for Bank Job. Additionally, Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins will feature set design by Allen Dean, an original score by Patrick Emile, puppet design by Steph Garrett, lighting design by Kenneth Farnsworth, sound design by David Lanza, properties design by Vanessa Rohrer Barker, and costume design by Brittny Mahan.
About the Play
In a small Russian village the presence of wicked goblins keeps the town from celebrating Hanukkah, until one man, Hershel of Ostropol, takes it upon himself to evict the mischievous residents from the haunted synagogue at the top of the hill. An original adaption of the Caldecott honored book by Eric Kimmel, Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins is Amphibian?s inaugural holiday production with an original klezmer score, feats of puppetry, and stunning visual effects.
?The best Hanukkah book of all time? I will throw a latke at anyone
who disagrees.? The New York Times
Performance Schedule
Friday December 11: 7pm
Saturday December 12: 3pm & 7pm
Sunday December 13: 3pm & 7pm
Thursday December 17: 7pm
Friday December 18: 7pm
Saturday December 19: 3pm & 7pm
Sunday December 20: 3pm & 7pm
Ticket Information
Tickets for Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins are $20 for adults, $17 for seniors, and $12 for children, students, and theatre industry professionals. For tickets and more information, patrons may call 817-923-3012, email, or visit Amphibian Stage Productions? Milburn Theatre is located at 120 S. Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76104.
About the Artists
Scott Zenreich (Adaptation/Director)- Artistic Associate at Amphibian Stage Productions, Scott Zenreich is an actor and director living in Dallas. He has worked locally at Casa Manana, Dallas Children's Theater, Wishing Star Productions, WaterTower Theater, and Texas Shakespeare Festival. National regional work includes the Growing Stage, New Century Theater, Mill Mountain Theater, the Majestic Theater, and Olney Theater Center. He is an alumnus of Director's Lab West (Pasadena Playhouse) and DirectorsLabChicago. He earned a BFA in musical theatre from Emerson College and is a member of Actors Equity Association.
Stan Graner (Hershel)- Stan Graner has performed regionally at Casa Mañana, Circle Theatre, Classical Acting Company, Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, Dallas Repertory Theatre, Garland Summer Musicals, Kitchen Dog Theatre, Lyric Stage, One Thirty Productions, Plano Repertory Theatre, Stage West, Stolen Shakespeare Guild, Theatre Three, Uptown Players, and WaterTower Theatre. Stan has received a DFW Theater Critics Forum award, eight Column Awards, and critic Alexandra Bonifield (Critical Rant & Rave, Arts+Culture Magazine, named him one of the Outstanding Male Performers of 2010. Stan is featured on all three Holidazzle recordings put out by DFW Actors Give Back, and he was honored to be invited back to his alma mater Texas Wesleyan University in 2008 to perform an evening of Broadway songs. He also serves on the board of directors of WaterTower Theatre.
Nathanael Clark (The Boy)- Nathanael Clark is a sixth-grader at Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts and is currently in the Resident Company at Kids Who Care Musical Theater. He has enjoyed performing such roles as Snoopy from 'You're A Good Man Charlie Brown' at Scott Theater, Morris in 'Here Comes Santa Claus" at Casa Mañana and Mowgli in 'The Jungle Book', Scuttle in 'The Little Mermaid, Jr.' and Arthur in 'Flat Stanley the Musical' at Artisan Children's Theater. He recently was chosen to play the young Van Cliburn on the Bass Hall stage in 'Van Cliburn: An American Hero'.
Justin Duncan (Ensemble)- Justin Duncan most recently appeared in Theater Three?s production of Cotton Patch Gospel. He has also toured with Dallas Children's Theater in Stuart Little and The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley. He has worked at several other theaters in the Metroplex including Upstart Productions, Shakespeare Dallas, Uptown Players, Garland Summer Musicals, and Casa Mañana. He serves as the intern associate for Core Talent. You may have heard him in several Funimation recordings.
Kelsey Milbourn (Ensemble)- Kelsey Milbourn is a native of Overland Park, KS and a graduate from TCU with a BFA in musical theatre and independent study in modern dance. She has done other work around the area including recent works at Stage West (Bad Jews), Amphibian Productions (Time Stands Still), OKC Philharmonic (Elis Island), Circle Theatre (FELLOWSHIP!), Stage West (The Rivals), Casa Mañana (Cats) and has been a member of the Trinity Shakespeare Festival company since its beginning (Loves Labours Lost, Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, As You Like It, Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor, Comedy of Errors, & The Tempest).
Joshua Kumler (Ensemble)- Joshua Kumler is the founder and host of Bar Politics, Dallas' own live fake news show. In addition, he has been seen on stages around the metroplex, such as Casa Manana, Kitchen Dog, and Lyric Stage. He is a proud alum of SMU Meadows School of the Arts.
Mitchell Stephens (Ensemble)- Mitchell Stephens' past credits include Moth in Love's Labours Lost, Duke of Burgundy in King Lear (both at Trinity Shakespeare Festival) Andrew in Beyond Therapy, Malcolm in Bedroom Farce (both at Stage West).