Amphibian Stage Productions have announced, in conjunction with The Starr Conspiracy, a ceremony to commemorate their recent purchase of the property at 108 South Main Street in Fort Worth's Near Southside neighborhood and the start of renovations on the space. The event will take place at the South Main property today, June 22 at 5 PM.
The raising of the two companies' flags, as well as a champagne toast and remarks by Amphibian Stage Productions Artistic Director Kathleen Culebro and Starr Conspiracy Partner Bret Starr, will mark the next chapter in the building's history. Fort Construction, also based in the Near Southside, has generously donated their services to the event.
The celebration is free and open to the public, and Amphibian encourages friends, neighbors, and anyone with a streak of curiosity to join them for the event.
Already slated to be the next vibrant area in Fort Worth – much like Magnolia and West Seventh Street – the South Main Corridor is ideal for housing Amphibian's permanent home, and the company is honored to be an important participant in the area's revitalization.
Amphibian is thrilled to be sharing the building at 108 South Main Street with The Starr Conspiracy, an international full-service marketing agency. The two companies will split the building evenly, with Amphibian occupying the North side of the building and The Starr Conspiracy occupying the South side.
Designed by Gregory S. Ibañez, FAIA, renovations on the Amphibian space began on Wednesday, June 13 and are scheduled for completion in the fall of 2012. As the Principal at Ibañez Architecture, Mr. Ibañez has generously donated his services to the project. Amphibian's new home will include a flexible black box theatre, an open lobby, dressing rooms, a green room, offices, a scene shop, and free parking for patrons of the theatre.
The new space will allow Amphibian to expand its programming to include additional main stage productions and staged readings, as well as workshops and outreach programs. Amphibian's new home will be a cultural destination for artists, audiences, and members of the community to share in the creation of new and timeless works.
To date, Amphibian Stage Productions has raised over 80% of the funds needed to complete the renovation. With the help of Capital Campaign Chair and Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Kline, the company recently launched its Capital Campaign, "Metamorphosis," to assist with the renovation.
To contribute to the Capital Campaign and become a part of Amphibian's history, donors may visit to make an online contribution or call 817-923-3012 to speak with an Amphibian representative. Donation payments may be made on an installment basis, and naming opportunities are available for interested parties.
The Starr Conspiracy is a full-service marketing agency for companies in specialized market segments. We build brands by telling the truth (to you, to your customers and to ourselves). We promise an unyielding pursuit of the truth as we work to unravel the mysteries of your idiosyncratic buyers. Our mission is to enhance your position in the market by thinking, writing, designing and developing – and a few other things that we can't talk about until we know you better. On the web at
Amphibian Stage Productions is a non-profit theatre company founded in 2000 by three alumni of TCU's Department of Theatre who strive to produce innovative and engaging works of theatre that challenge the way we see the world around us. Now in its thirteenth season, Amphibian has produced numerous groundbreaking and challenging plays (some regional premieres, others US or world premieres) that foster a deeper understanding of ourselves as members of the global community. The company is widely recognized for its stylistically and thematically varied scripts.
Committed to nurturing young and diverse audiences, Amphibian has developed a strong internship program, a summer acting workshop for teens, and a dynamic outreach project, Tad-Poles!, that is steadily increasing the company's visibility and following. The group travels to schools and community centers, performing and spreading a message of multicultural collaboration and tolerance.
Amphibian is generously funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, Texas Commission on the Arts, the Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, Ann L. & Carol Green Rhodes Charitable Trust, Amon G. Carter Foundation, Alcon Foundation, the Nell V. Bailey Charitable Trust, Wells Fargo Bank, Berlene T. and Jarrell R. Milburn, Mrs. Betty J. Sanders, The Rug Company, Out of Nowhere Website Design, Bates Container, Pier 1 Imports, and the Devonian Society, a group of Amphibian's devoted donors who are proud to be the force behind nurturing the next generation of artists and audiences.