Performances run February 10 - March 5.
Amphibian Stage's first production of 2023 is a full-sensory, surround-sound expedition into outer space-Spaceman (February 10 - March 5). Spaceman follows Molly Jennis's solo mission to Mars after her husband's failed, tragic attempt at the same journey.
Aaron Grunfeld's review of the original production at Loading Dock Theatre remarked that Spaceman " a masterpiece of science imparts that classic sense of wonder, marveling at humanity's potential and the courage that drives our endeavors. If it should come to your city, see it."
When Amphibian Stage Co-Artistic Director Jay Duffer reached out to Leegrid about producing Spaceman, Stevens revealed how apt it was that the play would be presented in DFW, specifically at Amphibian Stage.
"My mother-in-law is a native Fort Worther and has attended several productions at Amphibian Stage. Like a dutiful mother-in-law, she suggested I submit a play to Amphibian as 'they're real good.' Well, I listened to her for once and here we are! My wife grew up in Keller and we return to Fort Worth once or twice a year. I am thrilled that Spaceman is taking flight again, with a new team, in our second home," playwright Leegrid Stevens.
This will be the first US production since the world premiere at New York City's Loading Dock Theatre in 2019.