Jubilee's original hit musical, Alice Wonder, written by dynamic duo Joe Rogers and the late Rudy Eastman, returns stage this month for the stage for the first time since 2002.
A Jubilee musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, the revival of Alice Wonder stars Sheran Goodspeed Keyton as Alice and Robert Rouse as Cat Daddy. Audiences will revisit and relive all the great characters of this classic Eastman and Rogers musical: from Sister Dukes, Rasta Blue and the Notorious Hump D to the incomparable Queen of Hearts and She Dee Dee and She Day Day. Alice Wonder is directed by Joe Brown with musical direction by Joe Rogers.
Previews for Alice Wonder are Friday, May 27 - Thursday, June 2. The show opens Friday, June 3 and runs through Sunday, June 26. High school and college theater professors are encouraged to join Jubilee Theatre for a complimentary preview and talkback with Artistic Director, Tre Garrett, on Thursday, June 2.
Tickets are available now online at https://buy.ticketstothecity.com/purchase.php?event_id=1084 or by calling the Box Office at 817.338.4411. Ticket prices range from $10 - $25.