This show features an all-star drag cast including Leeko Rae, April Showers, Big Deelish, Mama St. Merman, and Penny Dreadful.
Segerstrom Center for the Arts will present its inaugural Drag Brunch hosted by long-time friend of the center and talented performer, Miss Clair Voyance.
This show features an all-star drag cast including Leeko Rae, April Showers, Big Deelish, Mama St. Merman, and Penny Dreadful. Join these dazzling divas as they debut their theatrical talents and show-stopping numbers for the first time in illustrious cabaret style. From Moulin Rouge to Wicked, Into the Woods, and everything in between, these fabulous queens will take you on a journey through all the Broadway songbooks!
Every ticket comes with a complimentary glass of champagne (21+) and the opportunity to meet the queens after the show! Hungry for more? All floor seating includes a deliciously catered brunch so bring an appetite for surprises, delights and plenty of 11 o'clock numbers that'll leave you screaming "Encore!"
Doors open for brunch at 10:30 AM and check-in for loft seating opens at 11:00 AM.
The performance begins at 12:00 PM. Early arrival is strongly encouraged to allow
time for parking and check-in.
Loft seating does not include access to the brunch buffet; all floor seating will
include access to the brunch buffet. Additional drinks may be purchased separately.
Taking place Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 11:00 AM at Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Samueli Theater. Artists and program subject to change. Recommended for ages 21+.