Christine and David first met in Seattle when she was one of the stars of the popular performance art theatrical extravaganza "Teatro ZinZanni". She later joined the shows San Francisco cast playing to packed houses for a ten-year run. The show was a three-hour performance that was a blend of circus, comedy, music, and cabaret, served up with a five coarse dinner with high demand tickets sold months in advance. Christine is currently living and working in Los Angeles and may be seen co-starring on prime time television shows, and even more often as the voiceover artist for commercials and a variety of cartoon characters.
Showgirl" starring Christine Deaver with David Duvall on piano, will be presented at 2 PM on June 22, 2014 as part of Les Michaels' Sundays In Summer Series at the Arthur Newman Theater in The Joslyn Center, 73750 Catalina Way in Palm Desert. Tickets are $11 cash only and available at the box office, which opens at 1 PM before the show. For any questions please call 760-325-2731 or go on line to