The popular Sundays In Summer Cabaret Series 6th season begins Sunday, April 12, 2015 at a special time for the first two shows only, at 6 pm due to a time conflict. All remaining shows for the season, which runs Sundays through October 25th, will be at the normal 2 PM matinee time with all shows at the Arthur Newman Theatre at the Joslyn Center in Palm Desert.
Opening the series will be "Flying High" starring London jazz and cabaret artist
Harold Sanditen with pianist Michael Roulston and Jonty Fisher on bass, and special guest, local performer, Jerome Elliott.
Harold Sanditen is actually an Oklahoma boy who made a career move to the UK in 2007. A passionate traveler, Harold's new show uses music and humor to circle the globe from Albuquerque to Zambezi with songs from Bacharach to Weill. This is Harold's fifth show he's taken on tour, making stops in six US cities before returning for an extended run at The Crazy Coqs in London's famed Soho District.
Tickets for the Sunday, April 12th special 6 PM show are $11 cash only at the box office that will opens at 5 PM with open seating at 5:30 PM. The
Arthur Newman Theater is located in The Joslyn Center, 73750 Catalina Way in Palm Desert. For more information you may call 760-325-2731 or on line at
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