A world-premiere musical, "Love Affair" tells the story of a beautiful, yet unassuming woman who boards a transatlantic cruise bound for New York to marry a wealthy socialite. However, when she meets a captivating playboy on the ship, she discovers something she never expected: true love in a Love Affair. Based on the 1939 film of the same title, which was later remade into the iconic film An Affair to Remember, this thrilling new musical is sure to capture the hearts of all.
"Love Affair: A New Musical" plays at Legacy Theatre August 8-25, Thursdays-Sundays. Tickets are on sale now at https://www.legacytheatrect.org/2024-mainstage or through the Box Office at (203) 315-1901. "Love Affair; A New Musical" is sponsored by the Burry Fredrik Foundation, Webster Bank, and WSHU Public Radio, and Legacy Theatre's 2024 Mainstage Season is sponsored by Atlas Healthcare.
Cardboard Explosion! (7/27/24-7/27/24)
The Legacy Theatre is at 128 Thimble Islands Road, Branford, CT.
Cardboard Explosion! (7/27/24-7/27/24)
Dinos in the Creek Week (7/16/24-7/18/24)
The Legacy Theatre Presents: Kate Baldwin with John McDaniel at the Piano! (6/30/24-6/30/24)
The Legacy Theatre Presents: The Princess and the Pauper (6/22/24-6/22/24)
Mark Twain's The Diaries of Adam and Eve (5/30/24-6/16/24)
The Legacy Theatre Presents: Andrea McArdle with Steve Marzullo at the Piano! (5/12/24-5/12/24)
Let's Get Together (4/11/24-4/13/24)
Legacy Theatre Presents "Mario the Maker Magician!" (3/30/24-3/30/24)
Legacy Theatre Presents "Eva's Promise" (3/21/24-3/21/24)
Alice Ripley with John McDaniel at the Piano! (3/10/24-3/10/24)
34th Season of Shows
Kweskin Theatre (9/13 - 12/31) | ||
New Works Festival
Pa'lante Theater Company (3/13 - 3/16) | ||
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Visual and Performing Arts Center at WCSU (5/2 - 5/11) | ||
Warner Theatre (1/18 - 1/19) | ||
Sunday in the Park With George
Visual and Performing Arts Center at WCSU (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
Don Juan
Pa'lante Theater (4/10 - 4/20) | ||
The Simon & Garfunkel Songbook: An evening of Songs & Stories featuring Aztec Two-Step 2.0 with narration by Tony Traguardo
Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
Jesus Christ Superstar
TheatreWorks New Milford (12/6 - 12/28) | ||
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