A charming rogue named Randle Patrick McMurphy, contrives to serve a short sentence in an airy mental institution rather in a prison. This, he learns, was a mistake as he clashes with the head nurse. Quickly, he takes over the yard and accomplishes what the medical profession has been unable to do for twelve years; he makes a presumed deaf and dumb Indian talk. He leads others out of introversion, stages a revolt so that they can see the World Series on television, and arranges a rollicking midnight party sneaking in liquor and women. All this leads to a shocking end.
Director Jill Luberto couldn't be more thrilled to be bringing this production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to life with such a magnificent cast and crew. She thinks audiences will be drawn to the story the same way she was years ago when she first read Ken Kesey's masterpiece and is so happy that the Windham Theatre Guild has made this passion project of hers a reality.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest runs May 29, 30, June 5 & 6 at 8:00pm, Thursday June 4 at 7:30pm, and Sunday Matinees on May 31 and June 7 at 2:00pm at the Burton Leavitt Theatre, 779 Main Street, Willimantic. Ticket prices are $18 for Adults, $15 for Students/Seniors, and $11 for children under 12. All UCONN, ECSU & QVCC students pay the discounted price of $12. Group discounts are also available. Anyone who buys a ticket at the door on Thursday, June 4 will pay the kid's price of just $11. This special offer does NOT apply to tickets reserved in advance. For reservations and information, call the Windham Theatre Guild at 860-423-2245 or buy your tickets on-line at windhamtheatreguild.org.