The Windham Theatre Guild will hold open auditions for Neil Simon's comedy Plaza Suite. One of Neil Simon's most popular and celebrated plays, Tony Award winning Plaza Suite ran for over 1,000 performances and was turned into a highly successful film. Set in the same hotel room of New York's spectacular Plaza Hotel; follow the misadventures of three very different couples as they face crucial moments in their lives.
WHO: Director-Michele Hettinger
WHEN: Monday and Tuesday, January 9th & 10th at 7:00pm.
WHERE: Windham Middle School, Quarry Street, Willimantic, CT.
NEEDED: 3 major roles for Men and 3 major roles for Women age 40 and up. There are also 3 small male roles and 2 small female roles. Character descriptions are available on the WTG website:
SHOW DATES: March 16, 17. 23. 24, 25, 29, 30, & 31, 2012