Westport Community Theatre needs TWO YOUNG MEN (mid-teens to mid-twenties) to play "The Dons," would-be actors in the Marlowe Theatre Company who also portray lawyers in the "play within a play." Also need an ACTOR (Male or Female) to portray a Waiter and a Lawyer in two comic scenes. No particular age, just funny and willing.
The play opens September 24 and runs for three weekends. Contact Director Will Jeffries: mrwillj@aol.com or call 203-226-1983 and leave a message. Scripts are available at the theatre.
Enter Laughing is the semi-autobiographical coming of age story based on the novel written by Carl Reiner. Taking place in 1938, it tells the hilarious story of a stage-struck, woman-struck young Jewish kid from the Bronx named David Kolowitz who seeks his fortune as an actor with a third-rate theatre company. His baptism of fire is a hilarious first performance where everything that can go wrong, does. "Joyously funny."-New York Daily News