Westport Community Theatre presents a screening of the full-length comedy film "Doing Agatha"
Friday, March 5 at 8:00 PM - free to members and subscribers!Directed by Michael Stanley, written by Alexander KulcsarStarring Ann Kinner, Michael Stanley, Alexander Kulcsar, Tom Petrone, Rosanne Nelson, Damian Langan, Elise Bochinski, Davina Porter, Bob Lasprogato, Tom Holehan, Peggy Nelson, Leslie Van Etten Broatch, Doug Taylor, Marguerite Foster, Kevin Moore, Pat Leo, Mollie Oliver, Doug MacHugh, Leigh V. Griswold, Peter Wood, Aaron Kaplan, Bill Barry, Bob Jurgens, Rob Pawlikowski, Daryl Howell, and many more.Join us for a screening of the locally produced full-length feature comedy film "Doing Agatha." Starring many actors you are familiar seeing on the WCT stage, "Doing Agatha" tells the story of a small Connecticut community theatre - gone awryWestport Community Theatre | 110 Myrtle Avenue | Westport | CT | 06880