"August: Osage County" is a black comedy that tells the story of the dysfunctional Weston family. The estranged family is brought back together with the disappearance of their patriarch, Beverly, and quickly devolves into their old destructive patterns while the newly hired housekeeper bears a mostly silent witness. In the end, the family splinters again, more broken than before, with secrets brought into the light that have been hidden for years.
Tickets in advance $16 for adults $13 for students and seniors and can be purchased at www.windsorjesters.org. Tickets at the door are $18 for adults and $15 for students and seniors. Please contact the group at windsorjesters@gmail.com for group tickets sales or any other questions. All current and former military personnel are admitted at no charge. The Windsor Jesters thank you for your service!
Directed by Chris Bushey and featuring the talents of Bill Mullen, Anna Nield, Rosemarie Beskind, Marisa Clement, Helen Malinka, Bruce Larsen, Mark Proulx, Virginia Wolf, Phil Godeck, Jacqueline Lasry, Suzanne Robertson, Enrico DiGiacomo and Logan Lopez.
Photo Credit: Taylor Kemp Photography