THE WILTON PLAYSHOP is proud to present Buyer & Cellar, a special offering under The Playshop's "Applause Series." Directed by Al Recchia with Chad Shipley as Alex More, the play will run for one weekend only from March 9th-11th.
What would happen if an out-of-work, aspiring actor was hired to man the private basement mall in Barbra Streisand's house? That was playwright Jonathan Tolins' question after reading Barbra Streisand's architectural book, detailing the setup of her own private mall complete with a dress shop, doll shop, and working yogurt machine. Buyer & Cellar is the hilarious comedic answer. The one-man show tells the story of Alex More, who after taking the gig working in the basement mall, develops an unlikely and hilarious friendship with Streisand. Buyer & Cellar is an outrageous comedy about the price of fame, the cost of things, and the oddest of odd jobs.
Performances: March 9 and 10 at 8pm; March 11 at 2pm. Tickets: $25/adults, $20/seniors and students. Buy tickets here. For more information, visit