The show is about intergenerational relationships, familial love, and the inevitable little heartbreaks that occur as time passes and children grow.
Nick Cristano may be living the life of a modern young professional in New York City, but his loving grandparents never let him forget where he belongs: in New Jersey, in the bosom of his tenacious, tender-hearted, loud, loving, and well-fed Italian-American grandparents who lavish all of their affection on their last unmarried grandchild. When Nick announces he is being promoted and moving to Seattle, his grandparents are devastated and quickly concoct a series of hilarious schemes to keep Nick from leaving, including introducing him to the woman of his dreams.
OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS is a warm-hearted, boisterously funny, and touching story about intergenerational relationships, familial love, and the inevitable little heartbreaks that occur as time passes and children grow.
The Little Theatre of Manchester Presents:
By Joe DiPietro
May 27th - June 12th
Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30 PM
Sundays at 2:00 PM
For tickets or more information.