This new family show by Shoshana Bass and Jana Zeller is an intergenerational tale revolving around Grandma or “Oma."
As part of its 2023 Spring Puppet Performance Series, the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at the University of Connecticut is pleased to present Oma by Vermont-based Sandglass Theater on July 15, 2023 at 11 a.m. in Betsy Paterson Square in Downtown Storrs.
In the event of inclement weather, the show will be rescheduled for Sunday, July 16 at 11 a.m. ET. This performance is co-sponsored by the Mansfield Downtown Partnership.
This new family show by Shoshana Bass and Jana Zeller is an intergenerational tale revolving around Grandma or “Oma." It is her birthday and all are preparing for the celebration. While the grown-ups manage phone calls, playdate logistics, and other such tasks, the children get into mischief with party decorating, present wrapping, and cake baking. Finally they all gather around for one of Oma's stories, told with yarn. One character emerges from the tangle of wool and nearly ruins the party. But not to worry, all ends well at Oma's house.
Learn more about the show on our website:
Sandglass Theater is a renowned company which combines puppets with music, actors, and visual imagery. Since 1982, the company's productions have toured internationally in over 30 countries, performing in theaters, festivals, and cultural institutions, winning many international awards. Sandglass is dedicated to the arts of theater and puppetry as means of exploring contemporary issues, inspiring dialogue, and sparking wonder. Learn more about Sandglass Theater:
Due to generous support during our 2023 UConn Gives campaign, admission is free, but donations are encouraged. Reservations are not required. Chairs will not be provided, and audience members are encouraged to bring their own blankets and seating. Seating space will be first come, first served. For more information, or if you require accommodation to attend this event, please contact Ballard Institute staff at 860.486.8580 or