Slant of Light Productions and The Bridge House proudly present the hilarious mystery-comedy Last Call at the Chez Mort, by Lee Mueller, directed by Stacy Ruttenberg.
A Night Club in the 1940's is the scene of a bizarre death. Was it an accident or was it murder? Inspector Constantine could pin it on anyone of these mugs. The gangster, the show girl, the French guy, the Russian with hatchet. Will he pick the right one??
We proudly bring this innovative production forward, featuring Albert Burton, Alexcia Coyle, Genea Gaulard, Joesph Knipper, Eleazar Lanzot, Sierra O'Keefe, Dawn Piscitelli, and Kristin Skoberne. Running Friday, April 11th and Saturday, April 12th at 8:00pm (doors open at 7:15pm), a $45 ticket includes a complete three course dinner at The Bridge House Restaurant in Milford, tax, gratuity, and a ticket to the show. To purchase tickets, email Stacy at, or visit the website for more information.Videos