Directed by Christopher Annino, "Silent Times" is a Roaring-Twenties escapade set in a small New England town. The story centers on Oliver Henry III (played by Geoff Blanchette), a small-time crook turned vaudeville theater owner. From humble beginnings in England, he immigrates to America in search of happiness and fast cash. He becomes acquainted with people from all walks of life, from burlesque performers, mimes, hobos to classy flapper girls. As his fortunes rise his life spins out of control.
Much of the storyline is a reflection on current social issues that burden our society today. The film is a loving homage to the silent films of the 1920s and 30s, and features a wide cast of characters based on archetypes and personalities common in those films, such as Charlie Chaplin, Emmett Kelly, Annie Oakley, Buster Keaton, Orson Wells, Keystone Cops, Gypsy Rose Lee and many more.
Much of the comedy was inspired by Benny Hill, Mr. Bean, and Monty Python. Notably, it is the first silent feature film of its kind in 80 years. Shot in black and white the film speed was also sped up to match with 1920's film speed. The film features Sunny the California Girl (Patricia Summerland) from G.L.O.W., WWE Legend Brian Blair, Olga Kurkulina star of "Kick Ass 2," Queen of the Paranormal" and Comic book super hero Kadrolsha Ona Carole, Ric Silver the creator of the "Electric Slide" dance, and this is WWE Legend Ron Bass final film before his passing.
The film was shot on Prince Edward Island, Mystic, Ct, Newport, RI, Martha's Vineyard, Inverness and Tampa Bay, Fl. The film will go around the festival circuit and there will be a preview May 25, 2018 at the Mystic and Noank Library at 6pm. There will be a Q and A following the preview.
Director and co-writer Christopher Annino, a graduate of Mitchell College in New London, Connecticut has directed several films prior. He won best community outreach award at the 2017 ICONIC film festival for his film "Trans Rights are Human Rights."
Co-writer and lead actor Geoff Blanchette a graduate of University of Rhode Island. Both Geoff and Christopher directed "Waves," which won Best Romantic Drama at The Avalonia Film Festival 2017. They have been a creative team since 2015.
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