The Ridgefield Playhouse Film Society "Documentary Film Series" presents "Silent Snow: The Invisible Poisoning of the World," on Sunday, September 8th, at 6:30pm. A 2011 award-winning documentary film directed by Dutch filmmaker Jan van den Berg, "Silent Snow" aims to raise international awareness of the structural pollution of the entire global environmental system.
"Silent Snow" is the true story of a young Greenlandic Inuit woman named Pipaluk who initiates a search for the silent assassin that's slowly poisoning her Inuit community in Greenland. It's white Arctic plains of Greenland are an eminent example of nature's untouched beauty, but chemical residues from all over the world accumulate there invisibly, poisoning both humans and animals. By ocean currents and attached to snow, pesticides like DDT are carried northbound into Inuit land, causing illness and death. Interwoven with the polar expedition, "Silent Snow" focuses on the film's subject Pipaluk Knudsen-Ostermann, a young Greenlandic woman on her journey around the world to find the local causes of the contamination that is quietly poisoning her people. Her research takes her to three different continents, where she's confronted with conflicting interests when it comes to short-term gains and healthy solutions for agriculture, industry and healthcare.Videos