On the 51st anniversary of the asssassination of JFK, the Ridgefield Playhouse Film Society "Documentary Film Series" presents filmmaker Chris Szwedo's award-winning documentary, "Eye On The 60s: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman."
A fascinating recollection of a remarkable era in American History -- the 1960s, seen through the work of noted LIFE photographer Rowland Scherman. Learn of key moments and people from someone on the inside -- JFK, The Peace Corps, The March On Washington, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, LBJ, RFK, and Woodstock. It's all here -- an organic trip through the past, as well as an essay on technological change, and the passage of time. If you're a boomer or not, this is your film, a documentary not to be missed!
Documentary filmmaker Chris Szwedo, a former Connecticut resident, has years of experience creating special interest, corporate, and broadcast documentaries. He has traveled extensively and produced films on multiple subjects. His public broadcasting documentary works include "Lime Rock Park: The Secret Valley of Racing", and "A Gullwing at Twilight: The Bonneville Ride of John Fitch." Chris Szwedo will be on hand for the Q&A after the screening of "Eye On The 60s: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman."
For information and/or to purchase reserved tickets, go to the Ridgefield Playhouse, or online at ridgefieldplayhouse.org or by phone 203-438-5795. The Ridgefield Playhouse is located at 80 East Ridge Ave., Ridgefield, CT 0687. Tickets: Adults $10; Seniors $7.50; Students $5.00.