Exercises and games will focus on acting through story telling, creating a character, expressing a feeling, music, and movement. A craft and story are often included. By the end of the class, students will know how to use their bodies and voices to create characters. Though the emphasis of the class will be on developing skills and not on a final performance, family and friends are invited to the last class to see students present scenes.
Dawn Loveland, Director of Education at Playhouse on Park, leads this interactive class. Aside from teaching their classes for grades K - 8, she has directed several shows for young audiences including BUSYTOWN, GOODNIGHT MOON, GO, DOG. GO!, HOMEROOM, and IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE. Dawn's additional credits in arts education include teaching, directing, choreographing and stage managing.
Each class meets at the Playhouse from 9:00 am-11:00 am, Monday through Friday. The fee is $225. To register, visit the Education page at www.playhouseonpark.org, and download the registration form, or call 860-523-5900 x10 for more information. Playhouse on Park is located at 244 Park Road, West Hartford, CT, 06119. Photo attached: Dawn Loveland instructs students in a Creative Kids class