If you are a high school teacher responsible for/interested in directing theatre at your school and would like to brush up on your skills, now is your chance.
This summer, West Hartford's Playhouse on Park is offering a Directing Workshop for High School Teachers with Co-Founder and Artistic Director, Sean Harris. In addition to his work with Playhouse on Park, Sean Harris is the Director of Theatre at Hall High School whose acting credits include New York City productions of Dinner With Friends, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, and Blood Wedding as well as work with The Florida Studio Theatre, Shakespeare on the Sound, the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, and the Roxy Regional Theatre.
Topics covered in the workshop will include choosing the right show for your students, running auditions, rehearsal techniques, coaching students to become better actors, blocking, designing the show, working with student stage managers, and collaborating with musical directors, amongst many more. The overall goal of this workshop is to make teachers feel comfortable guiding students to their best performance.
This is a two-part series that will be held Tuesday, July 16th and Thursday July 18th, 1 - 4pm, at Playhouse on Park 244 Park Road West Hartford, Conn. Teachers should attend both sessions.
Advanced registration and payment is required, $125 per student. For more information call 860-523-5900 ext.10 or visit us online at www.playhouseonpark.org.
Pictured: Sean Harris, co-founder and artistic director at Playhouse on Park hosts Directing Workshop for High School Teachers.