"The Knight Before Christmas," a new holiday musical by Bert Bernardi and Scott Simonelli has opened at the Downtown Cabaret Theatre Children's Company in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Featuring a cast of fifteen, the medieval holiday musical plays now through December 30th.
The new musical takes place at the Castle Mistletoe in the land of Fruitcake, where an evil sorceress has put a curse on the kingdom and the making of merry is forbidden. It is up to a clever jester, named Chester to cure the curse and bring happiness to the castle once more. Artistic Director
Bert Bernardi has written the book and lyrics (and also directs) with music by
Scott Simonelli. The pair has collaborated on over a dozen new musicals including "Cinderella Skeleton," "Auntie Claus" and "The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon."
Featured in the show are Matt Daly as Chester the Jester,
Maria Vee as Queen Anne of A Thousand Cleaves,
Ashley DePascale as Princess Hollianna,
Kevin William Reed as the Duke of Ellington, Molly Garbe as the Dutchy, Jaimie Lauren Morano as Maid
Mary Ann and
Lance Anthony as The Tedious Troll. Playing the dual role of Sir Loin of Steak and the evil Sorceress Jealisa is
Jimmy Johansmeyer.Also in the cast are Steve Autore,
Jessica Rahrig,
Tim Rinaldi,
Taylor Conant, Vanessa David, Emily Ruchalski, Emma LaPlace, Meredith Bump and Lauren Lopes.
Sets for "The Knight Before Christmas" are designed by Delmar, Lighting by Hugh Hallinan and Costumes by Mr. Johansmeyer. Steve Swatt is technical director, with Phill Hill as Production Stage Manager.
The Downtown Cabaret Children's Company, now in its twenty-eighth season is Connecticut's award-winning resident theatre for young audiences. With traditional cabaret-style seating at tables and chairs, audiences are invited to bring whatever they wish to eat and drink during the performance. It is a popular birthday party destination in southern Connecticut.
For more information on "The Knight Before Christmas" and the Downtown Cabaret Theatre Children's Company, visit
Taylor Conant, Jessica Rahrig, Steve Autore, Bert Bernardi, Maria Vee, Tim Rinaldi, Lance Anthony and Jaime Lauren Morano
Bert Bernardi, Ashley DePascale, Jimmy Johansmeyer and Maria Vee
Bert Bernardi, Matt Daly and Maria Vee
Molly Garbe and Kevin William Reed
Lance Gray and Ashley DePascale
Taylor Conant, Tim Rinalid, Lance Grey, Jimmy Johansmeyer, Steve Autore, Jaime Lauren Morano and Jessica Rahrig
Jimmy Johansmeyer