On September 21, The Sherman Playhouse will open their Fall season with the hilarious Steve Martin's The Underpants The production is directed by Dan Friedman of Bedford, NY and produced by Steve Stott of Brookfield. It features Brianna Bowman of Bethel, Timothy Huber of Danbury, Michael Schaner of Sherman, Michele Leigh of Brookfield, Jeff Rossman New Fairfield, Joe Manuele of Carmel, NY and Chris Marker of Sherman.
The story of the play centers around Louise and Theo Maske, a couple whose conservative existence who is shattered when Louise's bloomers fall down in public. Though she pulls them up quickly, Theo thinks the incident will cost him his job as a government clerk. Louise's momentary display does not result in the feared scandal but it does attract two infatuated men, each of whom wants to rent the spare room in the Maske's home. Oblivious of their amorous objectives, Theo splits the room between them, happy to collect rent from both the foppish poet and the whiny hypochondriac. Producer Steve Stott states "I feel so lucky to be working with Dan Friedman on his directorial debut at the Playhouse. He has all the necessary experience, vision, lightness of touch and eye for what's truly funny that's essential to stage a successful farce. Along with his cast he shows that it's not just about slamming doors and underwear (though there's plenty of both!) but skillful performances, great delivery of clever dialogue and high energy! And they're just plain funny, belly laugh funny, tears in your eyes funny.
The production runs September 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, October 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 8:00 p.m. Fridays & Saturdays and 2:00 p.m. for Sunday Matinees. Tickets may be purchased by visiting the website, The Sherman Playhouse Live Performing Arts Theatre in Sherman Connecticut or by calling 860-354-3699.