The show's cast and creative team includes Joanna Settle (Director), and Stew and Heidi Rodewald (Music, Lyrics, and Additional Scenes), and the cast: Ali Ahn (Juliet), David Cale (Friar), Matt Citron (Mercutio), Will Cohn (Benvolio), William Jackson Harper (Romeo), Rachael Holmes (Lady Capulet/Tybalt), Damian Lemar Hudson (Singer/Paris), Chinasa Ogbuagu (Nurse), and Tony Torn (Capulet).
This year's production of Romeo and Juliet is conceived as a dinner party among eight friends who have an annual tradition of reading a Shakespeare play on a gorgeous summer's night. Over the course of reading the play, the story will take over and guests both on-stage and off will find themselves completely consumed by the momentum and poetry of the events in Shakespeare's great love story.
The production will premiere in Greenwich and then make its move to Rowayton, playing two locations on Long Island Sound: Baldwin Park in Greenwich (June 26 – July 8, 2012) and Pinkney Park in Rowayton (July 18 – July 29, 2012). For more information on Shakespeare on the Sound, visit
Photo Credits: Damian Hudson, Chandler Simms, Monica Simoes
Will Jackson Harper and Ali Ahn
Will Jackson Harper
Cast of Romeo and Juliet
Will Jackson Harper
The cast of Romeo and Juliet
Stew, Joanna Settle, and Heidi Rodewald
Will Cohn, Chinasa Ogbuagu, and Tony Torn
Ali Ahn, David Cale, and Will Jackson Harper
Ali Ahn and Will Jackson Harper