"Christmas Cookies! The Musical!" is the delightful and heartwarming story of an old-fashioned bakery facing hard times. A little girl's letter to Santa brings about holiday magic as a trio of gingerbread girls come to life, singing their way to the bakery's success and the merriest Christmas ever. The new musical is written by Bert Bernardi (book and lyrics) and Justin Rugg (music). "It's a great big holiday show, chock full of music and cheer," said Bernardi. "Our singing 'girl group' cookies look delicious and sound incredible," he added.
Maria Berte plays Mrs. Baker and the Cookies are played by Mary Mannix, Shelley Marsh Poggio and Phoebe Wright. Also featured in the cast are Jimmy Johansmeyer, Dale Allen, Rugg, Cassie Gerace, Andrea Pane, Hannah Duffy, Hazel Foley, Morgan Taylor, Thea Ryan, Dani Corrigan, Jaxon Beirne, Olivia Foley, Justin Cavone, and Hannah Kupson. "Christmas Cookies" features sets by Von Del Mar, lighting by Jeff Carr, costumes by Johansmeyer, and sound by Nathaniel Dobas. The production stage manager is Jeff Therkelsen.
Pantochino Productions Inc. is celebrating it's fifth season of its 'ridiculously entertaining' 100% original musical theatre for family audiences in the greater New Haven area. The company has been awarded for its artistic achievements and recognized for its contributions to the community.
"Christmas Cookies! The Musical!" will be performed December 11- 27 with shows Fridays at 7:30pm, Saturdays at 2pm & 5:30pm, and Sundays at 2pm Tickets are $18. online, or $20. at the door. Advance tickets are strongly suggested. The intimate Milford Center for the Arts is located at 40 Railroad Avenue South on the east bound side of the Metro-North tracks. Free parking is available in the train station lots. Further details are available at pantochino.com.