Pantochino Productions has announced an Open Call for it's upcoming production of "Cinderella Skeleton, the Musical." The auditions will be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 from 5pm to 9pm at The Educational Center for the Arts, Room 108, located at 55 Audubon Street in New Haven, Connecticut.
Rehearsals and performances are in October in New Haven. Those auditioning should prepare 16 bars of two songs (contemporary or rock up tempo and ballad), bring sheet music, photo and resume. Cold reading or brief dance combination possible. All positions paid.
Pantochino Productions is Connecticut's brand new ridiculously entertaining theatre company based in the New Haven area. "Cinderella Skeleton, the Musical" is based on the award-winning book and features music by Scott Simonelli and lyrics by Mr. Bernardi. For more information, visit