"The Bewitchingly Scrumptious and Extraordinary Mister Trick & Mrs. Treat" is a delightful new musical following two unlikely neighboring families, the Tricks and the Treats. Set in a fictitious and fantastical world, each family has it's own unique way to celebrate Halloween. What they discover together just may be the origins of how the holiday is celebrated today!
Pantochino's Bert Bernardi has written the story with Justin Rugg composing the show's original score. "Audiences are going to fall in love with these two families, both the Tricks and the Treats," said Bernardi. "As much as the show is about Halloween traditions, its also about family," he added. Co-producer and costume designer Jimmy Johansmeyer continued, "The show is fresh, funny and visually stunning. It's perfect for all ages."
Johansmeyer will also appear onstage as the mischievous Mister Trick. Playing his family are Mary Mannix as Ordelia, George Spelvin as Payne, Gavin Conte as Thorn and Hannah Duffy as Ursa Luna. Playing the sweet Mrs. Treat is Shelley Marsh Poggio. Her family will include Annabel Wardman as Tootsie, Justin Rugg as Charleston, Andrea Pane as Clark and Maria Berte as Eclaira. The new musical feature sets by Von Del Mar, lighting by David Sexton, sound design by Sara Brown and costumes by Johansmeyer.
Pantochino Productions Inc. celebrates it's sixth season of its 'ridiculously entertaining' 100% original musical theatre for family audiences in the greater New Haven area. The company has been awarded for its artistic achievements and recognized for its contributions to the community. Pantochino will continue it's popular "Party Performances" at it's Saturday 2pm shows only. For these performances, audiences will be seated at tables and chairs and are invited to bring their own food and drink to be enjoyed during the show.
"The Bewitchingly Scrumptious and Extraordinary Mister Trick & Mrs. Treat" will be performed October 21 through 30th with shows Fridays at 7:30pm, Saturdays at 2 & 5:30pm and Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are $20. online, or $22. at the door. Advance tickets are strongly suggested. The intimate Milford Center for the Arts is located at 40 Railroad Avenue South on the east bound side of the Metro-North tracks. Free parking is available in the train station lots. Further details are available at pantochino.com.