Due to the success and registration of it's Summer Theatre Camps, Award-winning Pantochino Productions Inc. has added a fifth week of its program in Milford.
The newly announced camp will take place July 14-18th at Pantochino Studios at St. Ann School. The five-day camp meets 9am to 3pm. In just five days, young actors age 7-13 learn, rehearse and perform an original Pantochino musical. "The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of)" by Bert Bernardi and Justin Rugg will be the featured show.
"The first three sessions of camp sponsored by the Milford Arts Council filled up at lightening speed," said co-producer Bernardi. "We wanted to give everyone interested the chance to be a part of the fun and experience we have to offer," he added.
A fifth camp called "The Theatre Games" is also close to sold out
Jimmy Johansmeyer, co-producer is also director of the Summer Theatre Camps. "It's wonderful to see this program grow so quickly. This is only our third summer and we're thrilled with how enthusiastically it has been received," he said.
Pantochino Productions Inc is a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization specializing in 100% original theatre for family audiences. Details and registration for "The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of) are available online at www.pantochino.com.