Set in Ohio in the 1980's, satirical comedian Lewis Black's production opens the door to the Coleman's house on the day their daughter is to marry.
The Windham Theatre Guild presents One Slight Hitch by Lewis Black, June 2, 3, 8, 9 & 10, 2023 at 7:30 PM and June 4 & 11, 2023 at 2 PM.
Set in Ohio in the 1980's, satirical comedian Lewis Black's production opens the door to the Coleman's house on the day their daughter is to marry. Hilarious family drama is set in motion with the mother's desire for "perfection", the unannounced arrival of the ex-boyfriend, and the father's attempts to keep him from being seen. Doors slam, secrets erupt, chaos ensues
Adults- $19, Students/Seniors- $16, Children under 12- $12. UCONN/ECSU/QVCC Students $14 (with ID). Special price for Thursday, June 8th performance. Anyone who buys a ticket at the door on Thursday, June 8th will pay the kid's price of just $12. This offer does NOT apply to tickets reserved in advance.
Tickets available at or by calling 860-423-2245. Tickets will also available at the door.