This week: Birds, pictures of the boats, & pictures of birds.
Special exhibit: Two Small Boats by David McCulloch
Our favorite small-boat builder, David McCulloch of Old Lyme, has brought in two of his hand-built boats--perfect, by the way, for birding in the marsh! The 12-foot kayak, with a heat-shrunk aircraft dacron cover, is David's own design and weighs just 20 pounds! The 14-foot paddle canoe, designed by Jon Persson of Essex, weighs 39 pounds. For more information see Seth Persson Boats.
This Thursday, January 21, 6:30-8:00 pm
Third Thursday lecture: Winter Birding Along the Shore, with Maggie Jones
Maggie Jones, executive director of the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, will speak about winter birds on Long Island Sound. Admission $10, NLMS members FREE. Sponsored by New London Water Authority.
this Saturday, January 23, 2-4 pm
Excursion: Birding Along the Thames River to Ocean Beach.
Join Maggie Jones, executive director of the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, for a look along the shore for loons, grebes, and a variety of ducks and other waterfowl that spend the winter in southeastern Connecticut. We will meet at the Fort Trumbull parking lot and then van or carpool, depending on the turn-out. Bring binoculars if you have them. Fee $12, NLMS members $10. Please call to preregister: 860-447-2501.
Sponsored by the New London Water Authority.
~ just added ~
Bird Photographs by Hank Golet of Old Lyme, to open this Thursday, January 20.
Graphic novelist Jon Buller will teach an introductory workshop
& an intensive series of four classes on cartooning!
Youth Class:
Introduction to Cartooning Basics.
March 6 (snow date MARCH 13), 10-11:30 AM.
Graphic novelist Jon Buller will teach an introductory workshop on Cartooning. Ages 8-16. Fee: $15. Materials included. Call 860-447-2501 to register.
Youth Class: Cartooning Workshop.
Cartooning Workshop, March 18, 25, April 1,8, 4:00-5:30 PM
In this 4-session class, Jon Buller teaches the techniques necessary to create a cartoon. Class size is strictly limited to allow time for one-on-one direction. Ages 8-16. Fee:$45, Materials included. Enrollment limited to 15 students.
To register call 860-447-2501 or mail in your payment to the Custom House, 150 Bank Street, New London, CT 06320. Be sure to include the student's name, age and contact information.
Cartooning classes are sponsored by our neighbor on Bank Street: J. Solomon, Inc. Office Supply
WINTER HOURS (January, February & March) are Thursday, Friday & Saturday
from 1 to 5pm.
The Custom House Maritime Museum
open year-round - telling the stories of New London's waterfront!
The Custom House Maritime Museum is always FREE for current members
and children under age 18 (with adult). A $5 donation is asked for all others.
January through March, we're open Thursday through Saturday, from 1-5 PM, & by appointment
call: 860-447-2501, fax: 860-447-8086, email:
April through December, we're open Tuesday through Sunday (closed Monday), from 1-5 PM, & by appointment - call: 860-447-2501, fax: 860-447-8086, email:
New London Maritime Society
Custom House Maritime Museum
150 Bank Street
New London, Connecticut 06320