New London Maritime Society has announced that New London's Harbor Light is the featured lighthouse for Connecticut in the 2013 United States Postal Service's New England Coastal Lighthouses series.
The project with New London Harbor Light has been in the works for approximately five years, which is when the USPS first contacted the New London Maritime Society. NLMS director Susan Tamulevich, who worked with the USPS and the artist, says, 'It has been a difficult secret to keep. What a splendid Valentine for New London! And what an honor for New London Harbor Light. ' The USPS selected the lighthouse before even contacting the Maritime Society. 'They did their research beforehand, and selected the lighthouse for both its beauty and history.'
Sentinels of the Coastline, Reminders of Romance is the USPS series of stamps featuring lighthouses from throughout the country. Artist Howard Koslow has worked since 1990 to render each regional Lighthouses series issuance with detailed accuracy. The last series of lighthouse stamps, Gulf Coast Lighthouses, was released in 2009.