The Connecticut Community Theatre Association will present the 2019 New England Regional Theatre Festival - hosted by the Warner Theatre in the Warner's Nancy Marine Studio Theatre on Saturday, March 9, 2019 beginning at 1:00pm. Four community theater organizations from Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire will compete to for the chance to represent all of New England in the American Association of Community Theater's AACTFest 2019 in Gettysburg, PA this June!
AACTFest--the festival process that culminates in a National Theatre festival--is sponsored by AACT and is held in odd-numbered years. AACTFest presents a forum for community theatres from AACT's 10 regions to enter productions for adjudication and advancement from the state level to the regional level and finally, to the national level. The goals of AACTFest are to stimulate and inspire community theatre companies to strive for the best work possible and to recognize them for their achievement through an appropriate adjudication process; to provide a learning experience in artistic, technical, and management areas for people in attendance through performances, adjudication, and workshops; and to develop enlightened and discerning audiences for community theatre.
All of the participating companies must meet the same eligibility standards and requirements - maximum time limits for productions are 60 minutes performance time; 10 minutes set-up time and 10 minutes strike; all set & prop materials must fit within a 10'x 10' offstage storage area before and after performance.Per AACT standards, the theater is sealed at the start of each performance. While an audience member may be permitted to exit during a performance, they will not be allowed to re-enter during a performance. There will be a short break between each performance and adjudication.
This year's participating theaters include Phoenix Stage Company from Connecticut, Windham Actors Guild from Massachusetts and Lexington Players & ActorSingers, both from New Hampshire.
Tickets for the 2019 New England Regional Theatre Festival are $15 for the entire day and can be purchased through the Warner Theatre Box Office or online at The 2019 NERF is supported by the New England Theatre Conference and DNR Productions of Watertown.