Letters Home: A Veteran's Day Project is set for Veteran's Day, Wednesday, November 11 at 7pm!
Westport Country Playhouse presents Letters Home, a dramatic production of actual letters written by U.S. troops serving in the Middle East, hosted by award-winning actor Brian Dennehy.
Letters Home gives audiences a powerful portrait of servicemembers' experiences in the ongoing war, without politicizing, and gives voIce To the people who are still fighting and dying far away from home.
The production is inspired by the New York Times Op-Ed article, "The Things They Wrote," and the subsequent HBO documentary, "Last Letters Home".
Additionally, the production uses letters and correspondences from Frank Schaeffer's books, Voices from the Front, Letters Home from America's Military Family, Faith of Our Sons and Keeping Faith.
Produced by the Griffin Theatre Company of Chicago, the initial production last winter was critically acclaimed and nominated for a Joseph Jefferson Award for "Outstanding New Play."
For tickets, please click on www.westportplayhouse.org.
Tickets: $15, Vets $12
This project is generously supported by National Endowment of the Arts and Pitney Bowes Inc.