When Kate Katcher found herself forced out of her job at age 57, what did she do? She founded a theatre company devoted to pieces about life after "a certain age"., created and performed by people of a certain age. Come hear how she cleverly reinvented herself as the founder and artistic director of the Stray Katz theatre troupe, during her February 1 presentation as part of the Palace Theater's 2ND ACT series.
The event, which begins at noon and includes brunch, is held in the intimate space of the Poli Club on the venue's second floor. A cash bar will be available. Sponsors are the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute @ UCONN Waterbury, PEAK Physical Therapy and the Village at East Farms. Tickets are $25 ( $20 for OLLI and AARP members) can be purchased online at www.palacetheaterct.org, by phone at 203-346-2000, or in person at the Box Office, 100 East Main St, Waterbury.
2ND ACT is a monthly storytelling series featuring ordinary people sharing the extraordinary things they are doing in the 2ND (half) ACT of their lives! Inspirational, experiential and comical, these after-50 life stories will ignite your own imagination to join the growing community of 2ND ACTers!