The Hartt School Presents Sing for the City on Sunday, October 11, at 4:30 PM at The cathedral of St. Joseph, 140 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Choruses from The Hartt School, including The Hartt Camerata, Hartt Chamber Choir, Hartt Choir, Hartt Chorale, and Concentus, will be joined by local school choruses in a festival concert to raise funds for the Upper Albany Neighborhood Collaborative (UANC). UANC, which does wonderful work for families in need, is an all-volunteer group, thus all donations to UANC go directly to the people they help.
Several guest conductors, as well as Hartt faculty members Edward Bolkovac, Stuart Younse, and Carolina Flores, will lead an exciting and varied program. A minimum donation at the door of $10 is requested, and all proceeds go directly to the UANC.
Hartt's Vocal Studies Division, lead by Bolkovac, has raised more than $30,000 for charities such as the St. Vincent De Paul Society in the past six years through this annual event.