This thrilling stage adaptation is closely based on the original, presenting the frightening story that made Dracula a horror classic. The mysterious Count Dracula, portrayed by the talented Alex Papacoda, has gone to England where he is living on a large estate next to an insane asylum run by the incredibly naive Dr. Seward (Russell Fish). A beautiful women name Lucy, played by Tracey Brown, has been attacked by some mysterious illness. Professor Van Helsing (Micheal Gilbride) believes that the girl is the victim of a vampire. The remaining cast of characters are joined by Chris Brooks, Josh Luszczak, Tony Galli and Tracy Costa.
The play was founded on Bram Stoker's famous novel of the same name, which has been read by two generations of booklovers. Since its first publication and countless editions it continues to remain one of the best top sellers.
Dracula has been described by critics as a play for people that like their coffee strong. Audiences of the Connecticut Cabaret Theatre will go away with the satisfaction of having has more thrills than ever before in their lives inside of a theatre. It would be wise to visit a specialist and have your hearts examined before the thrills and shocks that Dracula holds in store.
Dracula runs every Friday and Saturday at 8:00pm from October 6th thru November 4th, 2017. Doors open at 7:15pm. Tickets are now on sale. ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS are accepted. To purchase tickets, please call the box office at 860-829-1248. Reservations are recommended. Ticket price $30.00 (plus handling and tax). For more information, visit our website: The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre is located at 31 Webster Square Road, just off Route 9 (exit 22: Mill Street) and the Berlin Turnpike. Visit the website for detailed directions. The theatre's motto is "BRING YOUR OWN". Presented cabaret-style, patrons are welcome to bring whatever they like to eat or drink with them. They also can enjoy a dessert bar that has a variety of treats to purchase
Photo Credit: Connecticut Cabaret Theatre
Pictured: Alex Papacoda and Tracey Brown