Capture the fiery spirit of Katharine Hepburn, portrayed by Kelly Broucher, in a one-woman show that recounts her journey from a well-heeled Connecticut Yankee childhood to winner of four Oscars. Ensconced at her beloved Fenwick home, Ms. Hepburn reflects on the dizzying heights and emotional lows of her upbringing, her adventures in show business and her heartbreaking romance with Spencer Tracy. Katharine Hepburn transformed herself from the key actress of a generation into thespian royalty. The play consists of two conversations between Hepburn and the audience. Tea at Five opens in 1938, when the 31-year-old Hepburn is five years beyond her first Oscar-winning performance, and after being branded "box office poison," has suffered through a string of poorly received movies and is anxious to revive her career. Progressing though time, the story moves to 1983, when Hepburn melodic voice is shaky and she clutches at her cane for support after the ravages of Parkinson's disease, yet the same grace, style and poise is still evident in her every elegant word and coy smile. Join The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre and Kelly Boucher, in her tour de force performance of Katharine Hepburn. This is a rare opportunity to go inside the walls of her Fenwick home, on the shores of Connecticut for some tea, a cozy chat and an intimate look at the Hollywood legend, and the woman behind the legend. Audiences leave with new memories of one of the most dearly loved ladies of an era.
Tea at Five runs every Friday and Saturday at 8:00pm from August 18th thru September 23rd, 2017. Doors open at 7:15pm. Tickets are now on sale. ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS are accepted. To purchase tickets, please call the box office at 860-829-1248. Reservations are recommended. Ticket price $30.00 (plus tax). For more information, visit our website: The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre is located at 31 Webster Square Road, just off Route 9 (exit 22: Mill Street) and the Berlin Turnpike. Visit the website for detailed directions. The theatre's motto is "BRING YOUR OWN". Presented cabaret-style, patrons are welcome to bring whatever they like to eat or drink with them. They also can enjoy a dessert bar that has a variety of treats to purchase.