Meet the talented cast of this outdoor production.
Times Fool Company has begun rehearsals on AS YOU LIKE IT.
Featuring *Chris Halladay (Touchstone), Joslyn Eaddy Meléndez (Rosalind), Quinn Spivey (Orlando), Katrina Guzman (Jaques), Malena Gordo (Celia/Phoebe), Jonathan Gonzalez (Oliver/ Silvius), Chelsea Dee Weaver (Hymen/LeBeau), and Wylie MCann (Duke Frederick/Duke Senior/Audrey) with Costumes by Samantha Garwood, Stage Managed by Shawna Martine and Brooke Ferguson, Assistant Director Breauna Jurkowski, Music Direction by Chelsea Dee Weaver, with Direction and additional designs by Wesley Broulik. *denotes member of Actor's Equity Association the labor union representing actors and stage managers in the United States.
August 15th - 19th, 6 PM, Outdoors on the Keeney Memorial Cultural Center Grounds, 200 Main Street, Old Wethersfield, CT 06109, Admission Free
Times Fool Company believes in Access for All and that Art is a Human Right.