Tonight, April 10, The Sherman Playhouse kicks off its 2015 theatrical season with George Orwell's dystopian classic "1984," adapted for the stage by Robert Owens, Wilton E. Hall, Jr., and William A. Miles, Jr. The curtain rises at 8:00 p.m. on a four-week run.
It's April 1984, the clocks have struck 13, and comrade 6079, Winston Smith, thinks a thought, starts a diary, and falls in love in a world ruled by three totalitarian powers. The state, given the moniker of "Big Brother," watches every move Smith makes. At any moment, Big Brother can open the mysterious door to Room 101, and force Smith to confront a terrifying future even more twisted than the present in which he now lives in "1984."
"'1984' is a civics lesson influenced by real history," said director and production designer Kevin Sosbe of New Milford. "Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, etc., were societies in which a force that consisted of a minority was able to control the majority. Propaganda, mind control, brute force, and a creation of a strong sense of nationalism made it possible. If we operate under the belief that history repeats itself, then Orwell's '1984' will always remain relevant."
"Kevin [Sosbe] has created a thing of beauty with this piece," said producer and Playhouse president Robin Frome of New Milford. "It is so wonderful to see a production that fully utilizes our continuously improving technical theater prowess. He's the one to push us to our creative limits, in this little country playhouse, implementing a great sci-fi story and script."
The production features some of the area's most outstanding actors: Denise James (Roxbury), Viv Berger (Middlebury), Maya Daley (Danbury), Kit Colbourn (Fishkill, NY), Carly Phypers and Bruce Tredwell (both Brewster, NY), Chris Marker, Noel Desiato, John Taylor, and Steven Stott (all Sherman), and Alex Echevarria, Mary-Genevieve Moisan, and Vicki Sosbe (all New Milford).
Besides Mr. Frome and Mr. Sosbe, the show's crew includes costume designer Denise James, lighting designer Al Chiapetta, sound designer David White, and stage manager Chris Marker.
George Orwell's classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949 and to this day is regarded as one of the most influential English-language novels of the 20th century. This stage adaptation was crafted in 1963 and has been performed the world over ever since.
"1984" runs April 10,11 17,18,19 24,25 May 1,2,3. Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. Fridays & Saturdays, with 2:00 p.m. Sunday matinees on April 19 and May 3. Tickets for all shows are $22 for adults and $12 for children 12 and under.
On Thursday, April 9, all patrons are invited to attend a "Half-Price Preview Night" at 8:00 p.m. where all tickets are only $11. Students may see any performance for only $11 if they pay in cash only at the door and carry a valid student ID. Students may not make reservations in advance for a performance.
Reservations can be made online at SHERMANPLAYERS.ORG or by calling the box office at (860) 354-3622.
The Sherman Playhouse is a non-Equity theatre company located at 5 Route 39 North (next to the firehouse) in Sherman, CT.