This delightful and definitive musical adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s classic story concerns the valiant friendship of the good-hearted and poetic Water Rat; the innocent and curious Mole; and the sensible, practical Badger. This friendship is tested by the arrogant, wily and slightly crazed Mr. Toad, an obsessive animal given to sudden and irrepressible whims, like stealing motorcars and fleeing from the law. Their thankless task is to save Toad from himself and then to rescue the magnificent Toad Hall from the Weasels, Ferrets, and Stoats who laid claim to it while Toad was in prison. A tale of great humor, heroics, simple values, and responsibilities owed to one's fellow creatures.
Weathervane Playhouse (6/12 - 6/21) | ||
& Juliet
Ohio Theatre (2/18 - 2/23) | ||
Peter Pan (Non-Equity)
Ohio Theatre (1/14 - 1/19) | ||
Funny Girl
Ohio Theatre (3/25 - 3/30) | ||
The Hobbit
Wagnalls Community Theater (4/4 - 4/13) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Ohio Theatre (4/22 - 4/27) | ||
Jesus Christ Superstar
Renaissance Theatre (3/8 - 3/16) | ||
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